Atom のC言語用 Snippets(個人用)

コア・パッケージ「language-c」の Snippets は、次のサイトから取得している。

# My snippets for C language     #
# Last modified time: 2017/09/30 #
'.source.c, .source.cpp, .source.objc, .source.objcpp':
# header
  'Header Include-Guard':
    'prefix': 'IncludeGuard'
    'body': '#ifndef ${1:SYMBOL} /* beginning of include guard ${1:SYMBOL} */\n#define ${1:SYMBOL}\n\n${2}\n\n#endif /* end of include guard: $1 */\n'
  '#include <>':
    'prefix': 'Inc'
    'body': '#include <${1:stdio.h}>'
  '#include ""':
    'prefix': 'inc'
    'body': '#include "${1:current.h}"'
  'Function-like Macro':
    'prefix': 'MacroFunc'
    'body': '#define ${1:f}(${2:x}) do { ${3:macro} } while (0)'
  'typedef enum':
    'prefix': 'enum'
    'body': 'typedef enum { $2 } ${1:Name};'
  'typedef struct':
    'prefix': 'struct'
    'body': 'typedef struct {\n\t${2:int };\n} ${1:Name};'
  'linear list':
    'prefix': 'llist'
    'body': 'typedef struct ${1:__node} {\n\t${3:int val};\n\tstruct ${1:__node} *next;\n} ${2:Node};'
    'prefix': 'func'
    'body': '${1:void} ${2:functionName}(${3:int parameter}) {\n\t${4:/* function body */}\n}'
    'prefix': 'main'
    'body': 'int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {\n\t${1:/* code */}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}'
# stdio.h
    'prefix': 'printf'
    'body': 'printf("$1", ${2:var});'
    'prefix': 'scanf'
    'body': 'scanf("%${1:s}", ${2:ptr});'
    'prefix': 'putchar'
    'body': '''putchar('$1');'''
    'prefix': 'puts'
    'body': 'puts("$1");'
  'Switch Statement':
    'prefix': 'switch'
    'body': 'switch (${1:/* expression */}) {\n\tcase ${2:/* value */} :\n\t\t${3:/* code */}\n}'
  'case :':
    'prefix': 'case'
    'body': 'case ${1:value} :\n\t${2:/* code */}'
  'Do Loop':
    'prefix': 'do'
    'body': 'do {\n\t${2:/* code */}\n} while (${1:/* code */});'
  'While Loop':
    'prefix': 'while'
    'body': 'while (${1:/* code */}) {\n\t${2:/* code */}\n}'
  'For Loop - customize':
    'prefix': 'For'
    'body': 'for (${1:int} ${2:i} = ${3:0}; ${2:i} < ${4:count}; ${2:i}${5:++}) {\n\t${6:/* code */}\n}'
  'For Loop':
    'prefix': 'for'
    'body': 'for (size_t ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:count}; ${1:i}++) {\n\t${3:/* code */}\n}'
    'prefix': 'sizeof'
    'body': 'sizeof(${1:int})'
  'open file':
    'prefix': 'fopen'
    'body': '''if ((${1:fp} = fopen(${2:filename}, "${3:w}")) == NULL) {\n\tfprintf(stderr, "We have failed to open file \\\\"%s\\\\".\\\\n", ${2:filename});\n} else {\n\t${4:/* code */}\n\t\n\tfclose(${1:fp});\n}'''
# stdlib.h
    'prefix': 'rand'
    'body': 'rand()'
    'prefix': 'srand'
    'body': 'srand(${1:(unsigned)time(NULL)});'
  'calloc() - initialize':
    'prefix': 'Calloc'
    'body': '${1:int} *${2:ptr} = (${1:int} *)calloc(${3:num_arry}, sizeof(${1:int}))\n\nif (() == NULL) {\n\t${4:fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory.\\\\n")};\n} else {\n\t${5:/* code */}\n\t\n\tfree(${2:ptr});\n}'
    'prefix': 'calloc'
    'body': '''/* allocate memory '${1:ptr}' */\nif ((${1:ptr} = (${2:int} *)calloc(${3:num_arry}, sizeof(${2:int}))) == NULL) {\n\tfprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory '${1:ptr}'.\\\\n");\n} else {\n\t${5:/* code */}\n\t\n\tfree(${1:ptr});\n}'''
    'prefix': 'bsearch'
    'body': '''/* binary search '${1:sorted_array}' for '${2:key}' */\nif ((${3:res} = bsearch(&${2:key}, ${1:sorted_array}, ${4:nmemb}, sizeof(${5:int}), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))${6:compar})) == NULL) {\n\t${7:puts("We have failed to binary search.");}\n} else {\t/* Success: ${1:sorted_array}[(int)(${3:res} - ${1:sorted_array})] = ${2:key}  */\n\t${8:/* code */}\n}'''
# string.h
    'prefix': 'strcmp'
    'body': 'strcmp(${1:s1}, ${2:s2})'